Artists' Books
In this section I have assembled photographs of the exteriors of artists' books I have made with jpegs of the interior pages as they appear on my computer. Since a book is a sculptural object, with both a tactile, three-dimensional character, and a graphic object, with an interior/exterior design and concept, I thought it was a good idea to give my viewer both experiences as much as I was able. So I have included photos of the three-dimensional objects along with the interior page layouts. For my thumbnail I chose two copies of Abel's Sister, one closed and one open, so the viewer can see how the book is put together.
The Naked Truth contains nude images of me along with journal entries, and I'm not sure I'll ever be willing to put any of them up. Besides, I am completely revising the physical appearance of the book and have not finished yet. What I have included gives an idea of what the finished project will look like on the outside anyway.